The green of the grass, the delicate white flowers of cow parsley randomly grown from seeds which have been blown or dropped by birds. The damson tree gently moves with the breeze. The trunk stays steady but the more fragile branches and leaves sway. They are held by the trunk but they are more vulnerable because they have reached out beyond their safety zone. Their delicate vulnerability is beautiful. Small, fresh green leaves grow there – they are new. They are the brave ones who have reached out into new space to make progress in this tree’s life. Thank you nature, thank you creative force that made this tree, this grass, these delicate flowers. I am filled with remorse about the devastating treatment of our beautiful planet.
I draw and paint the landscape because I love the natural world with all my heart. It is our home, but we have trashed it. We’ve graffittied the walls, torn up the carpet and smashed the windows. We’ve dumped our rubbish in the middle of the floor and the stench is too much but we can’t smell it anymore because we have become desensitized.
I paint it because in spite of this there is still so much beauty to be celebrated. So much to be preserved and enjoyed. Nature is strong. She is resilient. She is calling to us. She uses her beauty and immeasurable intelligence and wisdom to woo us to her.