I titled these four artworks ‘Rock’, ‘Jumping Hoops’, ‘Boulders’ and ‘Get the Ball Rolling’, quite a while after making them and the titles came quickly when I looked back at them but at the time I had no real idea what they were saying - or what I was saying - I was just in a flow of creativity. As I looked at them I realised that they tell a bit of a story about my quest to achieve a number of things related to my goals as an artist. Without wanting this to sound like a sob story - it’s not easy being an artist when you also need to contribute to the household income! Many artists, musicians, poets etc have to juggle jobs, families and the practicalities of life as well as fitting in time to hone their craft. Many never make a living from their art but pursue it anyway and many are unable to because there are just too many hindrances. But - creativity will never die because it is an essential part of our humanity. Artificial Intelligence cannot replace it and so it is worth running over those rocks, jumping through those hoops and finding ways around the boulders.
Throughout my adult life I have tried to find ways to make art and get better at it but I also love the teaching and therapeutic work I have done. So I have managed a balance between the two. However, there have been many rocks to climb over, hoops to jump through and boulders in the way…I’m hoping now that I have this website with everything I need in one place that I can make progress with the next stage of my quest! How apt that the first piece of work I sold when making the website live was titled ‘Get the Ball Rolling’